With the latest slap on the face of every Indian, I wonder if we are ever going to realize the fact that these are not just attacks on India or humanity or mankind. This is a strong and blunt WAKE UP call given to us by our not-so-friendly neighbour.
I do not intend to mean that we go around changing everything and everybody as there is hardly anything that we can do to change the World, our Country, Society, Community or even our families, for that matter. However, we are highly capable of changing ourselves. And, if we do, I am sure, we will all be able to agree that the world would be a lot better place to live in.
Yes, we have to stop being hypocrites. We have to stop being biased. We have to stop discriminating based on one's Nationality, Region, Religion, Caste, Language, Food and all that divides India.
Even, as I write, I know it is very difficult and not all can be achieved. Still, I am up for it and am trying to change myself. I hope to find you alongside me.
Well-written...keep it up! brief and effective...
Quite a few pertinent points raised by you, actually. In fact, even as I was reading that line written by you about communal and religious bias, I was thinking that such kind of bias is actually accentuated by these incidents. There is an 'other side of the picture' that emerges as a consequence of this. Since these crimes are being perpetrated by one Islamic group or the other, the attitude of most Indian non-Muslims against all Muslims is turning to one of hostility. The entire Muslim community is being condemned, the islamic religion is being disparaged. And this makes no sense at all! In kolkata, I am frequently hearing people openly declare all Muslims as innately evil, just because the terrorists were Muslims, and this view is being entertained by all sections of the society -from people in so-called 'white-collared' jobs to auto rickshaw drivers to house maids - the 'catch line' being: "these people are all the same". this kind of an unreasonable generalization needs to change.
Yes you are absolutely correct.let me share some of my thoughts regarding this terrible issue.well 62 hours of hard struggle ended but the question hovers in mind that what are these young bunch of people given hard core training by our allies as i might say so trying to prove????heartening are the aftermath of these strikes and strangely yet very predictably our politicians have started their 'so-called'strategies concealing their own fault.what change can we bring!!!concerned authorities have started their number games already not even wasting a second.the policemen who lost their lives,the top cops who sacrificed themselves to protect our lives,I dont think they would be remembered a few days after.innocent lives,foreigners-indians irrespective,does it really matter to the big heads of the country?you are talking about change and you yourself agree how much change can be brought but i say strongly and firmly change is not only the solution.there are other aspects that are needed to be analysed and understood why such failure could take place at a prime commercial centre of the country.why a country like India having such a wide internal and external intelligence network could not prevent such a horrific attack beforehand?????I am sorry...may be i have been emotional throughout this piece of writing but i strongly re-affirm that CHANGE is not the only way out.Its time for each one of us to react in whatever way of course 'fair n fine'so that those elements are bound to think before they can conspire even to raise a finger towards us.our patience and endurance should not be taken for granted.i have lots of detailed information too but it hardly makes any sense to put it on records.my message is that let us be united and no more cliches please like 'be patient' etc.and as the Mumbaikars are saying and i quote 'Enough is enough'.
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